Study overseas?

Talking about further studies overseas, it breaks my heart. Sampai sekarang, entah kenapa belum boleh nak move on. And for now i realized something. I realized that i myself, not really thinking about studies but more to 'status'. To have a status as "overseas graduated" must be great isn't? The greed of Haziqah. (all above came out spontaneously when i wrote this. That's mean, i discovered all that thing in a meanwhile i tried to gain ideas for writing) Rejected from gaining any scholarship. In other word, disqualified. In good word, takde rezeki. Lastly, i told myself "mesti ada hikmah untuk segala yang berlaku". Well, we have to believe the power of hikmah. Power of hikmah. Hmm yeah. It just that i envy everyone around me. Those who are able to get scholarship. Those who are waiting to fly overseas. Dapat fly, tu yang paling frust. Sebab dari kecik nak study luar negara. Then bila masuk integomb, tengok seniors ramai g...